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Haul Away! by Liz Green

Liz Green

Haul Away!

Release Date: Apr 14, 2014

Genre(s): Jazz, Adult Contemporary, Vocal, Pop/Rock, Alternative/Indie Rock, Contemporary Singer/Songwriter, Alternative Singer/Songwriter, Indie Folk, Vocal Pop, Jazz Blues

Record label: Play It Again Sam


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Album Review: Haul Away! by Liz Green

Very Good, Based on 2 Critics

musicOMH.com - 80
Based on rating 4

Liz Green’s startlingly accomplished debut album, O, Devotion!, won widespread acclaim as one of the best debuts of 2011. Several years in the making following her initial emergence as the winner of the Glastonbury Emerging Talent Competition four years before, its bewitching, hard to pigeonhole north-west England brew of blues, folk and French chanson heralded the arrival of a major new artist. Sadly, few members of the record buying public agreed, and O, Devotion! came and went with barely a ripple of interest.

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AllMusic - 60
Based on rating 6/10

Haul Away!, the second album from Manchester singer/songwriter Liz Green, walks a beat similar to her jazzy 2011 debut O, Devotion! It's no surprise then, that she considers it a sort of sea-inspired sequel to her more earthbound debut and in keeping with an intended trilogy of albums. Frequent references to the sea, islands, and water abound, though this is no attempt at shanties or rough-hewn British folk. The torchy, whimsical, and often maudlin tones of her earlier work remain throughout Haul Away!'s 11 songs.

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